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Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. —Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. —Leviticus 19:18 It was alleged by well known reporter Bertha Hansen that Pastor Lawrence Khong and the LGBT movement are "aping" American ways in their adversarial approach. She also linked to another article talking about a contest of space between red, whilte, and Pink. If we were aping the American way, we would have Stonewall which was ironically a mini riot at a Gay bar led by Transgenders and Cross dressers. But that was 40 years ago. They were all arrested but sparked a response to stand up for one's basic rights. There is a universal drive for dignity and respect not necesarrily American. The Singaporean way is to mix Red and White the National colours, and just wear Pink, for all are included in this amazing country of wealth and opportunities. The reality is that
The Religious Right, the radical christians, has lost the fight in the US and now spreading their hate and rethoric to Africa and Asia. For Bertha to associate the LGBT and the Christian Right in the same grouping is sad after all that gays have suffered in the hands of the people of faith. The reality is more complicated that simply grouping gays and Lawrence Khong as adversarial.
To put both lawrence and LGBT in the same grouping as advesarial and fighting for space is very hurting. LGBT peoples are not fighting for space to promote an alleged lifestyle. They are innate as who they are. Hence, are Pink by themselves. It is a coming out that makes Pink Dot a threat. Perhaps what is so upsetting is the lack of adversarial nature of GLBT. They refused to react to the threats. When Pastor lawrence attacked them, they are asked for dialogue. If they were straight and religiously radicalised, there would have been trouble! if so many basic rights were taken away. They are practicing the Christian Faith of loving thy neighbour. Ultimately Love Wins Out. Wearing Pink is about Love, loving ourselves by coming out, and Loving Others by not reacting with the same hate and rethoric but giving grace and mercy.