We often attempt to dowgrade the redemptive blood
of Jesus Christ. At communion, we focused on the humanity of those who
sacrificed their time and effort to produce the wine but forget the
creator who died and suffered for us. When we take out Christ and His
death and resurrection, there is no more Christianity but a man made
religious faith based on humanity and the hierachal church devoid
of power and communion with God. We become worshippers of ourselves. We
become the divine, the god within. We make ourselves (including our
religious systems, traditions, intellect, wealth, church) become gods
just like those who thought they had power on the hands to determine who
dies or live at Calvary.
I was perturbed by the scenes at the Passion of
Christ of gory, suffering, blood, and violence. The particularly graphic
scenes were disturbing to me although my friends at City Harvest
Singapore then were strongly encouraged to watch it (and enjoyed it I
may add). Surely, God was not a masochist seeking the Christ the man
suffering sufficiently at the Cross before redeeming us. Perhaps, it
reflects Mel Gibson’s Catholic faith where Jesus was still shown to be
hung at the Cross with His hands still nailed and His head pierced. We
also have a Cross hung at our church with Christ on it! Surely we should
bring Him down after all He had already suffered 2,000 years, why suffer
On this Good Friday, the scenes still disturbed me.
For some, even the slightest mention of the “blood” in the Old Time
religious Hymns agitates them, what more “There is fountain fill with
Blood from Emanuel’s veins”. In response, they seek to deny the work of
Christ at the Cross to substitute for our sins.
The Good Friday hymns
with Jesus at the Cross are no longer sung in some churches lest it
insults a new seeker. But as thinking and serious Christians, it seems a
false religious morality, for we are talking about flesh and blood, to a
seeker who has seen (and even enjoy!) far more – the violence and gory
seen in the movies and television screens. We are made of flesh and
blood that is our humanity. Our life is in our blood, so is the blood of
Christ His life. Why perturb at mere blood, unless of course we have a
biased agenda against the saving grace of God.
The people of religious faith have had a
fascination with blood sacrifices. The god Molech also known as Moloch
was an abomination with a bull’s head. The god of the Canaanites, the
god of Harvest it demanded the sacrifice of children.
Hence, as the people gave them
the sacrifices of their off springs, the god will in turn blessed the
crops. The god needed to be persuaded and nothing lest than the
sacrifice of our dearest will satisfy her demands. We also have our
own modern sacrifices such as gays lest we fear God will punish us.
The sacrifices continued on in the Roman times with
the slaves being captured and the crowds wanting blood, gory, violence,
and death with the slaves in battle with beasts and armed man of war in
a spectacle of death. The crowds of humanity would clamour for more,
ever so blood thirsty. The slaves were the least in society and not
considered humanity and were treated as fair game to the laughing
spectacle of the audience.
At Easter, we are reminded that the Romans put on a
show for the public for the sacrifice of the men. They were blood
thirsty for the religious people of faith has condemned Jesus for
failing to follow the law by claiming He was God, hence the crowd was
showing their religious self-righteous indignation.
The spectacle of violence, gory and death, was not
to satisfy God in heaven, it was to satisfy the blood thirsty humanity.
We are not that divine after all. We put the least in the community and
sacrifice them for our pleasure just as the GLBT community has been
sacrificed so that we can declare our moral superiority. By dying
for us at the Cross, God put an end to this display of violence and
brutality reflecting the evil of mankind against each other.
At Easter, humanity was declaring their moral
superiority through good works and obedience by religious law which is
the basis for the people of faith. Hear their cries “crucify Jesus,
crucify Jesus …” and over and over again. God was silent in the midst of
this blood thirsty religious fervour of humanity.
The birth of Jesus Christ joins God to humanity but
the Cross separates God from humanity for no longer would Jesus ever
come down again to be man ever again. He came in flesh and that flesh
was crucified at the Cross. The cry of Jesus at Calvary was that
"IT IS FINISHED". There is no more gory, violence, brutal sacrifices.
The scenes at the Cross is not to be repeated over and over again as if
Jesus death was not enough.
God was silent, for God Himself was in great pain
for He himself was at the Cross. The god Molech demanded human
sacrifices. The crowds of people of faith demanded human sacrifices. And
for thousands of years, the least in the community was sacrificed – the
slaves and those who cannot fend for themselves.
But the God of Israel ended the
gory, death, and violence. He was the highest, the King of Kings, the
Lord of Lords. Yet, He came down from His throne on high to the lowest
pit of humanity in the spectacle of death by the human mob. When Jesus
died, there was darkness in the sky, for God died that day. It was not
to please Himself, it was to stop this madness of destruction by
God provided a way out – and the blood is a
reminder of the sacrifice of God Himself in our place. It was not to
perpetuate or to glorify violence, gory or death, but the blood is a
reminder that God put an end to the spectacle for humanity ended up
killing God Himself.
We don’t own ourselves for humanity itself despite
having a resemblance of the divine is indeed fallen and our Lord is
Satan whether we like it or not. We are in a condemned state – it is not
about judgement for Jesus Himself said we are already judged. It is not
about following the law, for the law is to reflect our sinful nature to
highlight our depravity and our need for God. The heart of humanity is
rotten and nothing can redeem us, for our blood is corrupted since the
first Adam. Hear the cries "crucify Him", see the evil eyes of
humanity wanting for more bloodshed!
When we put on the Blood of the Lamb, it is
acknowledging that we have sinned, we have killed God. We deserved death
as part of the human religious mob who screamed for Jesus to be
crucified in our blood thirty demand for vengeance. Yet, there can be no
forgiveness, even God cannot forgive us. It is our choice, just as
mankind chose the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, we have a
choice to partake in the blood of the Lamb of God.
When the blood of the Lamb fills us, we begin to
have the life of God in us, and His life replaces our live force. We
begin to have a new heart – a heart of love, grace and mercy, grounded
by the knowledge of the depths of our sin but aware of the grace of God
in choosing to die for us.
At this Easter, the people of faith have continued
to put whom they have considered sinners at the Cross. They first put
Jesus there and still Jesus is hung there in many churches. Now, Gays
are also crucified whilst we smile with glee in our self-righteous indignation.
How many gay people must die before they are
considered part of the natural expression of humanity? How many gays
must die before it satisfies our religious desire for a scapegoat in the
community to pay for our own sins of violence, rape, abortions,
adultery, murder, the many killing fields of war and famine?
The loud cries of humanity drown out the suffering
cries of Jesus of pain and agony. Yet, in His death, He loved us whilst
we threw insults at Him that if we enter with Him through His death, we
will be able to rise with Him in resurrection to eternal life. Hence,
the Cross at Calvary becomes our Cross. The Blood is a reminder that the
sacrifice is complete that we need not physically die, but die in the
Spirit in giving up of lives and all and placing ourselves at Jesus feet to follow
Him and be bought by His blood. We are not our own. We have been bought
by a great price if we are indeed of Christ.
At this Easter, God died that we need not die. We need only to
enter into His death through the blood of the Lamb thus availing
ourselves to be purchased by God. We are all sinners, part of the first
Adam, for sin is in our blood. Hear the cries of those who crucify
Jesus, it was the voice of a religious humanity. In the second Adam, we
become a new creation, our blood no more of the first Adam but coming
from the throne room of God. With a new blood, when we partake the body
of Christ, we receive a new flesh, a new body, one born from having a
new heart - hence we are born again.
At Calvary, the religious mob acted like gods thinking they had
power to decide who lives or dies, for they wanted to become gods yet
not knowing that they needed to die to themselves to see God. We are
dead in Christ but made alive in His resurrection power. Let us die that
we may live again.
The work of the Cross is finished. We need not sacrifice ourselves
or sacrifice others unless of course we are gods ourselves. So let us
live covered in the blood of the lamb, for it is no longer by our works,
or sacrifices, but the finished work of the Lamb of God at the Cross of