Exodus International is an anti-gay para church organization that stirs
up an anti-gay movement in the churches with sharp rethoric and
deception about a gay aggenda and harm to children. In Singapore,
through Choices (of the Anglican Church in Singapore), they were the
impetus behind much of the outrageous condemnation against gays such as
Gays having sepcial rights, or that gays are used by Satan to destroy
the church when it was Satan using the church harm a small and weak
minority and depriving them of the most basic rights.
The news that Willow Creek is disassociating
herself from Exodus is significant because it is a large mega church of
30,000 and sets the theological trend and focus within the church.
Whilst the existing 245 affiliated churches is
likely to stay put, Willow Creek probably represented 50% of the support
in terms of numbers based on the remaining churches having the average
size of less than 100.
Exodus has blamed Soulforce for the decision, but Willow Creek would
unlikely be swayed this small organization which is a non violent
organization focusing on dialogue with the evangelical churches.
Soulforce met Bill Hybels in 2008-2009.
Whilst dialogue helps, it is the Holy Spirit that sometimes
constrains us expecially when we spin half truths about gays
indiscriminately and somewhere in the deepest recess of the church
surely there is a conscience. If we were to lie, cheat and steal in
order to paint a bad picture of gays, surely we are by far the worst
sinners. A false witness to convict others falsely of sinning is a
terrible sin against the ten commandments that would grieve the
heart of the Holy Spirit.
There is an increasing number of set backs including Apple rejecting
the "Gay Cure" App on iTunes in March 2011. Everyone has a right to
their opinion but not malicious propaganda and half truths causing
harm and hurt to others.
Exodus remains a force to be reckoned with, having a budget of over
USD 1 million a year. With the increasing realization by the general
public and the church that being gay is innate and not a sin, it
becomes more difficult to conjure up stories to gain support and the
funds appear to be drying up. Exodus seems short of funds in the
appeal below in 2010:-
"Dear friends, please pray for us at Exodus. We have experienced an
unexpectedly low giving season this summer coupled with much higher
expenses (insurance, utilities, etc). Sadly, we have had to let
several staff go. Your prayers are appreciated. For those who are
also having to endure this unfriendly economy, our prayers are with
Exodus claims that Blibical truth is unpopular as if their anti-gay
campaign was blibical, for the truth in the Bible is about Jesus
Christ as God, and Saviour, and not what a very small minority does
in the private of their bedroom.
In claiming that the bible was about gay bashing, or that the same
sex acts in the bible were about same sex orientation rather than
the prevailing abominations of religious idol worship, they were
distorting the truth revealed in the bible. Sex was a major issue in
the bible especially when the majority of the population resorted to
having anal sex with the temple priests in order to be demon
possessed. It was a real abomination of religious faith and not
because of the same sex orientation by a small minority.
In East Asia, the HQ of Exodus is in Taiwan. Exodus is represented
Singapore - Choices (Anglican Church) and
Liberty League
Malaysia - Pursuing Liberty Under Christ (Full
Gospel Assembly/Glad Tidings/Baptist)
Phillipines - Bahong Pag-Asa
Taiwan - Rainbow 7
Indonesia - "On Eagles Wings to Asia"
God is moving with a strong opposite voice through the new affirming
churches especially in Taiwan, Singapore, Phillipines, and Hong
Kong. I believe that God will raise up new and Christ centered
churches to expose Exodus even in Malaysia.
The battle is effectively lost by Exodus with the massive
information available through the Internet. They may be able to
confuse the older gay christians, but younger gay christians have
few such bagages and are now accepting the biblical truth that God
loves and accepts them.
It is not the fall of Exodus which is inevitable, but the harm
it has caused and the price one day the church will have to pay for
their anti-gay crusade which has become a sin for the church.
Because so much blood has been spilled (gays commiting suicides
through the religious torture) and lives destroyed, there is a deep
cry for judgement that will not be denied.
The Holy Spirit is moving mightily to change the hearts of the mega
churches in America from supporting harmful organization. Willow
Creek is just the start. People need the Lord. It's about Jesus and
not our sexual orientation. It never was.