Rom 3:21 But now
the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed
by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through
faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who
believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace
through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set
forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His
righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins
that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time
His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one
who has faith in Jesus.
Love Singapore/FCBC
is encouraging their members to wear white on 13 and 14 June 15 in
support of "natural" family in opposition to the Pink Dot 2015 planned
for 13 June 2015. Wear white is not natural for who is righteous and
sinless? Indeed, the church should wear black for the incredible harm
done against the gay community.
Only Jesus can wear
white, no others, no other religious leader. For only Jesus is fully
righteous and Holy. When we wear white in the name of condemning others,
we condemn ourselves, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory
of God.
Religion is our
attempt to reach God by our good works of loving others, righteous
morality, and superior intellect. We say that we love God but often we
worship God of our own creation ie ourselves or often very real
spiritual deities and not the God of Israel. Even when we claim to
worship God, like the Jewish pharisees, we can't see God even God
incarnate in Christ Jesus standing in front of us. Wearing white is
about religion, it is unnatural and put blinders to our eyes from seeing
Where is our
morality?. The bible doesn't define morality as pro-family per say for
even evil people take care of their own. It is how we treat people
different from us, it is how we treat those who cannot defend
Where is our
straight morality when there are at least 10,000 abortions or the murder
of unborn babies each year in Singapore. Yet, there is no protest from
the churches who finds it convenient to place all the sins of the
straight community upon gays.
Where is the outcry
of the National Council of Churches or calls for representation to the
minister on the large number of abortions and the high rate of divorce?
When the Pharisees
who wore white and are bible quoting approached Jesus bringing the woman
adulteror along for stoning practices, Jesus alluded to their deep
hypocrisy of divorces.
In Singapore, we are
worst than the people of ancient faith - the Jewish pharisees, condeming
gays whilsts letting 10,000 babies die.
The church/Love
Singapore have picked a fight with such a small defenceless minority who
can't fight back except to hold a picnic of 30,000 once a year. Whereas
the churches hold the worship services every week with 300,000
Alas, the Pink Dot
of 30,000 will change Singapore for by wearing white, the church has
forever painted themselves as vile hypocrites which time and space can
never wipe away.
The label of white
wash tombs are not easily removable because the deaths and suffering of
so many in the gay community have resulted in their blood calling for
There are so many
lives destroyed, wasted, lost and many died because of condemnation by
the church and the rejection of their basic rights. There are no
physical protest, but unseen are the restless souls whose life have been
denied of love, and relationship because of the church. Their blood
cries out for justice much louder than the call for love at Pink Dot.
The winds of change
is coming. Gay marriage is now legal in Ireland, and the US is likely to
follow suit. The wave of justice and freedom is rising so fast that it
will come to Singapore. But even after gays have their rights, the
churches will be still condemned for their hypocrisy.
Pink Dot is about
love against impossible odds. It is a call that we are survivors
and will survive. It is also a rainbow in the sky where the rains from
the tears of crying angels meets the sunlight of Jesus Christ shining
down from heaven above. May it rain on 13 June 15 for whether rain or
shine the glow of Pink will shine out from the darkness of our lives and
struggles. Rain represents the refreshing grace of God's love from
heaven. We have fought all our lives.
Each one is a pink
dot, and when many lights are gathered it brigthens up each other and
become a flaming bright light of hope and celebration of love against
all odds.
Jesus was here, He would have attended Pink Dot, and would bring a big
umbrella to cover all with His love, grace and mercy. This is Real
Christianity. This is true love from a clean heart. May God forgive
those who have confused Love with Hate, and who condemn instead of
bearing the burdens of the weak and the outcasts. Ultimately, FCBC/Love
Singapore is blasheming the name of Jesus and the Gospel message.
Jesus would not be
wearing Pink. He will be wearing white. However, on His white robes, at
the side and back there will be pink patches all over of blood stains
mingled with the rain from heaven. This is also the Pink rainbow harvest
whom He died for at the Cross of Calvary.
At the Cross of
Calvary, the white robe religious people of Faith cried crucify Him. Now
they want to crucify Gays who are the innocent victims robbed of their
lives. Christ hands are laid out wide that those who come to Him may
find rest and peace and no condemnation. When the poor is robbed, heaven
will listen to their cries.