Today is the day for CHC saga



Ps 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

25th July 12. Today is the day when Pastor Kong and friends will go back to court.

On the night/days before, Pastor Kong Hee tweeted

  • Kong Hee‏@konghee Jesus says, "Do not worry about tomorrow ..." (Matt. 6:34)

  • Kong Hee‏@konghee We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope ~ Martin Luther King Jr

  • Kong Hee‏@konghee Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth (Ps. 46:10)

It's amazing the influence of CHC for the Gospel message have gone out throughout Singapore and Asia into all walks of life.

They have made a change to this generation and now faces a time of reckoning.

When the annoucement was made recently that CHC had doubled their stake in Suntec, the influence of the church in society has become a tangible reality.

For some, Kong Hee should be the business CEO of the year, and for others it's like the front shops advertising for hair cuts whilst doing special side services.

The image of the church and what charity means will be changed forever symbolised by the iconic towers of Suntec and the fountain of wealth that resides within it.

Have CHC found the fountain of wealth both here on earth and in heaven?

 Yet, none can deny that it was a calculated risk for the cross over into the secular and the business world for the return of investment into the souls of many was great.

Can the end justify the means?

There's always two sides to a story but it may be something that Pastor Kong alone would have to go through to make a change, to make a difference to this generation.

Whatever happens, through adversity, pain and struggles, let us rejoice and give thanks to God for He is still in control and Lord over all things.

Christ is crucified, Christ is risen, and because He lives, I can face tommorow.



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