Mark 9:
42 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to
stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his
neck, and he were thrown into the sea.
As Christians “we are all salt and light” to show
forth the glory of God to a broken world that needs Jesus so much. Being
salt and light is not so much as going out, but reflecting within of the
things we do that cause harm rather than promote Christ.
The context of being Salt and light in Mark 9 is more about
religious leaders/preachers whether they are a light to God or a
diversion to Satan.
Has the church ever considered that just like the
Pharisees through our insistence of religious laws that we have defined
the innocent as sinners. We have condemned an entire tribe, an entire
people group – the GLBT community to reject Christ as their Lord and
The bible didn’t say that homosexuality was a sin
but worshipping Satan and having anal sex with pagan priests in the
abomination of Satanic worship was. Jesus didn’t come even to condemn
our satanic worship which was prevalent in Jesus times, but our unbelief in
Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Mark 9:42 to 50, is often used by Christians to go
out to be the salt and to defend traditional marriage and insist that
gays be put into prison. There is a call for Christians to be the salt
of Singapore to stop the alleged slippery slope of immorality when we
decriminalised homosexuality. It is an empty call which will lead
us to sin and having a spirit of self righteousness.
Perhaps, that was what Jesus was talking about such
religious people of faith stumbling the innocent child.Could it be that
Mark 9 was more about the religious right? Jesus isn’t really talking
about us getting rid of things that make us less salty or going out of
our way to be salt and light to the world. Rather the conversation was
about the Pharisees and how abhorrent their law based theology was to
stop their innocent victims from coming to the knowledge of salvation in
Christ and not through the works of the law.
Mar 9: 2 Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and
led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and He was
transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became shining, exceedingly
white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. 4 And
Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.
Mark 9:7 And a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came
out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” 8
Suddenly, when they had looked around, they saw no one anymore, but only
Jesus with themselves.
Mark 9
started with a declaration inthe company of Elijah and Moses that
Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus was shown in His full heavenly
glory and light of His transfigured self. It was a declaration of Jesus
pre-eminence and glory over the law and prophets. Jesus came to fulfill
the righteous requirements of the law and prophetic mandates. Jesus is
the light of and to God. We are the salt of the world reflecting the
light of Christ leading people to the salvation knowledge of Jesus.
The entire context of the salt and light passage
was not about how to be salty rather about not causing the innocent to
stumble. The innocent seeker was after the way, the path to God through
Jesus the light of God. The
Pharisees offered them the religious laws to abide to gain their
righteousness, but Jesus offered them faith in His death and
resurrection for their forgiveness of their sins. One is by faith, the
other by their own works of self-righteousness.
Hence, the light was the redeeming light of the
Cross and Christians the salt to proclaim the message of the Good News.
The Pharisees were unredeemable like the salt that loses its saltiness.
Jesus was saying that the Pharisees had no hope and destined for hell
and their sins particularly bad because they stumbled others as well.
The seriousness of preaching the wrong message to
lead people to hell instead of to God was so horrendous and Jesus
actually teased the Pharisees to cut off their body parts which have
sinned when the issue was their heart and the theology. They were going
to hell and bringing along others with them.
The picture of self mutilation was preached because the Pharisees
were so strict religiously with many do and don'ts with no grace nor
mercy yet were the greatest hypocrites. Jesus was applying the same
measure of the law and said sarcastically that they should cut out their
sinful carnal flesh since they were so self righteous and holy.
What message do we preach on a Sunday? Does our
lamp attracts people to Jesus and not just a god of our creation
and aspirations. Being light and salt places an incredible
responsibility of the leaders and preachers of the Christian faith.
If we were not declaring that Jesus is Lord and Saviour then we are
not reflecting the light to God in Christ Jesus rather our own religious
theology and redemption. Church is about reflecting the different
aspects and manifestations and workings of the Holy Spirit of this
atonement message of Christ. It is not about us or our religious good
works to do good.
Are we the light when gay Christians come into the
church and we didn’t connect them to a deeper sense of Christ centred
They have come for the light of Christ but often we lead them to our own
carnal and worldly religious faith.
Perhaps that is the greatest tragedy in Mark 9 of
the people of religious authority such as pastors stumbling the innocent
through their wrong theology. As a result, they are led away from the
saving knowledge of Christ.
How does fire makes us more salty? when we are
already salty in the first place. The early Christians were faced by
challenges to their faith to deny Jesus as God. Instead they were to
declare their loyalty to Caesar.
They also had to struggle against religious Jewish zealots like the
High Priest and Saul who went around persecuting Christians and putting
them in prison and insisting that they return to the law based faith
rather than Jesus the Messiah and the light to God.
They became more salty to a lost world as they
fought the good fight to declare that Jesus is the light to God and the
hope of salvation.
As they stayed on and fight for their faith in
Jesus, they were changed from glory to glory for they have joined
themselves with Christ. Through the fire, all their religious
pretentions melted and what is left is their faith in the light of Christ and the
hope of glory.
Most Gay Christians have gone through many rounds of forest fires. Few
have survived and maintained their faith in Christ alone. Few are
survivors. Who are you when everything is fallen down.
The most difficult christians that i have ever met are gay christians
not straight ones, and not only gay christians but gay non christians as
well. It is difficult to be salt and light when so much has been taken
from us - our basic rights, our relationships and our dreams. Our lives
have been stolen and our anger deep within. We are forced to go into
hiding and live closeted lives.
We are called to turn the anger outwards and placed it on the Cross of
Jesus Christ. He bears our sufferings, pains and burdens. He was
crucified not only for our sins, but to bear our pain and our loss.
Are you angry tonight? Are you bitter? When there is so much pain, there
is also much grace.
We are wounded deeply within and in our woundings God has called us to
be a light for the healing of the world. Without being pierced by the
arrow and bleeding by the side, how would we have known the deep pain
and bear the pain of others.
How do we let the fires of our trials and tribulations as gay christians
result in a joyous praise to our Lord Jesus Christ? When we give up
everything to God even our lives, we become like a mirror to reflect
Is the pain too hard to bear tonight? take me higher to the Cross of
Jesus Christ.
We are not straight Christians and often GLBT churches make a
mistake to desire to function and preach the word as if they were a
straight progressive/liberal church. We called ourselves inclusive but
it doesn't work because we are different.
As a group, as a people, we have suffered so much deep pain and hurts
poked at us by our society and by religious faith institutions. It is a
different experience than just being a minority for no African American
has been called a sinner just because they were black!.
There is a deep spiritual need to preach God's outrageous grace, love,
mercy and atonement in Jesus Christ for we have such a deep pain that an
inclusive universal faith, the preaching of the religious laws, or the
emphasis on the sacraments and traditions will never be sufficient.
People will come and leave the church because they sought after the
living water which we could not give.
And we could never give the seekers anymore than show them Christ, for
He alone can heal and minister to their deepest pains and sorrows.
We live in an environment where we are continually being rejected and
despised, our eyes should always be on our Hope of glory that we may see
the transfigured Christ and reflect His light and be salt to the the Gay
tribe that God has called us to be in.
There is such a deep sense of loss, grieve, pain and sorrow with despair
that fills our hearts and our minds. May the light of Christ shines into
our lives anew this morning and gives us hope to live again, and hope in
the goodness and faithfulness of God.
God is faithful when we often don't see the road ahead.