We all need bailouts

Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate, though he had decided to release him.

 Acts 3:15 and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses.

In Singapore, the famous Amos Yee, the anti-LKY, and anti-Jesus blogger is still in remand. It was because the bail wasn't given, not that cash was required. It is understandable that his parents would be reluctant as the bail conditions were strict.

If Amos had been smart, he would have left out his anti-Jesus rant and his vile sexual drawing of LKY. Now, even the liberal activist could not support him out loud as a freedom of speech argument alone. Perhaps, He is very smart and did it all for fame and for youtube hits regardless of the consequences. Alas, Amos would not find support because unlike CPF, it is not personal.

Amos couldn't bail out himself just as people of faith by their works and their religious law even worshiping God the creator couldn't bail themselves out, even if they were descendents from Israel, chosen by God of their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.

Just because we are Christians and children by faith through adoption in Christ of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob doesn't give us the right to base on our narrow interpretation of the religious law and send gays to be crucified at the Cross.

The religious laws in the bible had the basis of condeming pagan worship which had a focus on anal sex and not about same sex orientation which were rare.

We put people in prison with no bailout because they are gays by nature. The bible is to reveal Christ as God and not about morality per say. They were talking about pagan worship for which christians in Singapore are often hypocrites because we don't condemn pagan gods whilsts we put gays to the Cross.

We all need bailouts in our lives. We are all in jail whether gay or straight, it is just that we don't realised it. Most people are good people of faith, and law abiding.  But just as the bail conditions were strict, the bible is worst. In 1 John 3:4, even if we commit one sin, we are sinners despite our many righteous deeds.

The setting of Acts 3 was that a supernatural healing had occured and a supernatural demonstration of the Gospel message of Peter of the resurrected Christ.

Israel was amazed because despite their worship of God, and being in the the chosen  nation by God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they did not experience the miracles of their forefathers that they were seeing in front of them.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob saw Jesus and the Cross of Calvary from afar and accepted Him, but the people of Israel did not. For religion has blinded them coupled by ignorance of the prophesies of the bible.

Religion is about our works and piety towards man and God.  In Acts 3:12, it was not religion that healed the man. Nor were the laws of loving God and loving each other. We can never reach the righteousness of God.

This is of course extremely unfair for even the vilest sinner who accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour would be more holy than the greatest human saints.  For at the Cross of Calvary, Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us. It is not unfair for Jesus overpaid for our sins. Not only our sins were wiped out, we receive the righteousness of God in our lives.

It was religion by people of faith who killed Jesus in Acts 3:14, God Himself but the Jews were acting out of ignorance. So too many Christians today acting out of ignorance and religious fervency against gays. When we come against gays, we are killing Jesus over again because we are using religious law as the basis which meant to point to our unrighteousness and not make us self righteous.

Not only was Jesus killed, they handed Him over to the hierachal Roman powers, and exchanged a vile criminal for Jesus.  In other words, Jesus was betrayed by His own people of faith who were hypocrites but very religiously holy. Holy people can do most unholy things.

Similarly, religious people of faith seldom condemn  pagan gods but singled out gays because of their same sex attraction. They would hand gays to the rulers of nations to be put in jail, and being much more immoral than the pagan worshipper. This is religious hypocrisy.

Under religious faith, their focus was on self, and their self righteousness, they couldn't see God, and their works of loving God with all the heart and soul became the vilest betrayal and hatred of God handing Him over to a pagan Roman nation and blaspheming God with preference over a murderer.

Therefore, the more religiously extreme we are whether very liberal or very conservative end, we will end up killing and destroying the work of the Holy Spirit. The bible, the Holy Spirit of God, and our walk with Jesus gives us balance. When we know God, we are self constraint because we know our place., and how great and wonderful the name and completed work of Jesus at the Cross. We dare not add or substract from it.

The people of faith thought they were loving God by killing Jesus. They thought that Jesus was far worst than a criminal when He was the perfectly righteous saviour of the world.

1 John 3:7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Everyone who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.

Jesus called us little children because many people of faith are ignorent and easily deceived by religion.

We do righteous deeds because inwardly we are righteous and not the other way around. The Jews wanted to become righteous by doing righteousness but sin, even one sin makes us sinners and lawless.

Therefore, without Jesus wiping out our sins (Acts 3:19), and us repenting and believing that Jesus is God, and died for us and is the way and the truth to God confirmed through resurrection, we will always be sinners despite calling ourselves people of faith.

In religion, there will be  supernatural activities by God as seen in Acts 3. As much as the Jews prayed, there was no power. God was silent and indeed when the tabernacle was lost, God has been very silent because the Ark represents Jesus fulfilling the Law.

Luke 24:45 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, 24:46 and he said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, 24:47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

We can't understand the bible even if we graduate from School of theology whether liberal or conservative, until our eyes are opened to the scriptures as a revelation concerning Christ, His ministry, His death and resurrection.

 In this pluralistic society, where there are many other gods, we are called to preach the name of Jesus to all nations and tribes for He alone can forgive and wipe out our sins to purify us.

Without purity, we can't see God. Without Jesus, we are still in our sins. Being gay will either harden our hearts against God, or distance our worship to God as a generalised creator God, But God is calling the gay community to a very present relational God in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Gay people are often broken. We have nothing left. In this nothingness, we can either harden ourselves, or find grace, love and mercy in Christ Jesus. We can't reach God until we discard religion, and our heart is to dwell in the presence of God, at the foot of Jesus. For only Jesus, can bring comfort and joy to our hearts through the Holy Spirit of God.

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