In Brunei, the King in Brunei has just mandated the death
sentence for gays under the religious laws of his faith. In Malaysia, a
national newspaper made a ridiculous spin that the massive rally against
the GST in Dataran Merdeka might be infiltrated by gays to become
a Gay pride. This is the state of religious faith.
There is no outrage by progressives because they still believe
that religion is about love. Religion is about religious laws required
to go to heaven and to define whose a sinner and a saint. Gays of course
are the worst sinners and the convenient religious scapegoat we placed
our sins on.
In Singapore, we have Pastor Lawrence Khong of FCBC
quoting "The homosexual movement's push for adult-child sex", an extreme
spin on one child-adult abusive affair. When we summarised a lie with
the truth of the Gospel, we get half truths and the bible is
In Singapore, the magazine MyPaper has reported that a foreign
banking firm, Goldman Sachs is holding a small recruitment outreach dinner specifically for gays.
Christians were again agitated, and reacted to
this apparent overseas interference.
However, a look at the
churches preaching schedule shows the US Christian Right pastors such as
Dr Jim Garlow speaking at the local mega church FCBC, to a congregation
of a few thousand.
is purely a business move by Goldman Sachs because there is discrimination against gays on the
account that by law, they are not recognised unlike race, religion and
creed. Indeed, there is a 2 year jail sentence being happily insisted by
With the tight market situation in Singapore, a
reverse targeted employment referring to a discriminated group, gives a
messaging that all are included. If the least is included, so would the
Proclaiming that Singapore is a conservative society
by people of faith in reply to the gay rights movement simply hides the
4,000 divorces and 10,000 abortions each year. Our red light
district in Gaylang is equivalent to the best Thailand has to offer in
If Jesus can save the vilest sinner, so can the
greatest saint be forgiven. We cannot appreciate the grace of God, until
we see it extended to the GLBT community.
The reign of the ex-gay movement by Exodus and Choices
by Church of Our Saviour is destined to come to an end. The harm
perpetuated in the name of Christianity must end. Just as God closed the
"door" in Noah's Ark, that vile chapter of the church is closing.
I remember Kong Hee in the late 90s and early 2000's pushing so hard the
ministry of Sy Rogers and spoke highly of Canon James Wong and the
Church of Our Saviour. I have also seen the harm it caused. The church
will be paying a price because self righteousness hides our own sins.
The symbol of Christianity is a Cross and not a banner
of arms, or a fortress or a cannon, or moon or stars, because it is
giving up our lives for others and not causing harm. We are to die
ourselves and not putting gays at the Cross.
We have become a Christianity that is self centered on
our own righteousness, holiness, wealth, property, and blessings, when a
ministry is about being salt and light to the world.
Being salt is to relieve the immense suffering of the
homeless, the poor, the sick and the downtrodden. The light is to
reflect the light of Christ, that they may see Jesus in us.
Hence, Christianity is not a religion that centers
herself on religious laws and punishment, but a reflection of God's
love, grace and mercy in Christ Jesus death and resurrection at the
Cross. We are to lead people to the eternal light of Salvation in Christ
Jesus for a new heaven to come.