The anti-gay crusade by Christians has undermined the
bible and made it to a myth. At the centre of it is God, creation, and
Satan. When we use the bible as a justification to bash up gays, we
forget that sin and abomination was intertwined in the struggle between
man worshipping Satan versus man worshipping God.
Through our anti-gay crusade, Christians mixed up
between good and evil, until Hollywood picks it up and created a Noah
where the fallen angel of light from the sky above to earth is actually
depicted as the good guys helping mankind when they were the rebels
against god and became demonic powers and principalities.
The Hollywood Noah was a rather
liberal adaption of the bible. The issue here is not about bible
literalism, but what was missed out, is the present reality of Satanic
and demonic powers that choose to deceive. The movie Noah
took them out of creation and the storyline.The scene of mankind poking
the angels (now transformed to monster like creatures) until they died
was amusing because the reality is that these entities that are
tormenting mankind.
Mankind was beyond hope because the demonic angels had
married with the daughters of man producing giants and half breeds. In
Gen 6:4 "There were giants on the earth in those days, and also
afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they
bore children to them. "
The Hollywood Noah took a very progressive theological
position that takes out the spiritual and puts mankind at the center:-
In the movie, we never see God speaking to Noah.
It was all through vague dreams. God was someone high up there
rather than being present in the Ark. God was potrayed as being
distant and indifferent to the sufferings of humanity.
In the bible, Noah warned his peoples for more
than a 120 years reflecting God's grace and mercy. Yet, they denied
God. The God of mercy was not reflected in the movie. They had a 120
year warning, to build their own arks.
An Impersonal God protrayed versus a God who spoke
in person to Adam and Eve. God was protrayed as being a kind of
higher spirituality rather than a kindred friend who was with Noah
during his 100 years of building the Ark. In the
movie, He left it to Noah whether to continue mankind, whereas the
God of the bible had mercy and grace to save Noah and His family
from the flood and to perpetuate mankind.
Man was seen as the Lords on earth having power
over the animals rather than man giving
the ownership to Satan in the fall.
Deception came through a wrong decision and
temptation of sin within rather than being deceived by Satan. The
snake was so amusing and deliberately made to look like a myth. It
was the snake's fault and man's rebellion rather than being deceived
by Satan.
Evil was personified in mankind rather than Satan. The power of
darkness, the third entity in the equation was totally removed. In
this progressive kind of Christianity, Satan and demonic
principalities do not exist. Evil was personified as something
within mankind. Therefore, the cure was to love and do good and show
The ending of the rainbow showing God's grace and mercy never to
destroy the entire earth again was not shown in the Hollywood Noah.
Evil versus Good in the movie was depicted as
being in two separate communities, Noah's family versus the rest of
the peoples. In the bible, Noah lived in the same community with the
rest. They were his friends, people whom he knew well. There was no
separation in the bible. Yes, Noah was different than the rest
because he was righteous and a good man, but he still lived amongsts
The end happened very suddenly in the bible. Therefore, the end times could happen was
quickly. It was not played out in the movie of the rest of humanity
coming against Noah over the few months and then attempting to storm
the Ark to survive. Even a heavy downpour would flood Orchard Road
within an hour. What happened if the rain never stopped.
Evil was depicted as good. The fallen angels, the demons of old, were
depicted as angels of light trying to help out the humans rather
than the real cause of the fall.
In the movie, God asked Noah to kill the first
born of his children, whereas in the bible, in Gen 9.1, "So God
blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and
multiply, and fill the earth.
At the end, the story of Noah became humanized rather
than involving God and Satan. The truth is that we were only part of the
central play. The devil does not cease to exist just because some
Christians does not believe in the demonic powers. The Holy Spirit, His
presence, and His power to save and restore is not determinant upon
man's idea but on our faith.
Evil did come upon mankind and God destroyed the
entire earth because the angels in Noah actually had sex with the
daughters of man. They produced giants. The angels were powerful and
were worshipped. The abomination grew so terrible that the Holy Spirit
left mankind just before the flood. The Holy Spirit was taken out in Gen
6:3 "And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide with man forever
God is a personnel God, full of love, grace and mercy
through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who is the modern Ark. The
flood will come again in the end times. Our earth will be destroyed.
There are many who is making heaven on earth, our
commnwealth. One day, this earth will pass away and end time will come.
But God has provided a way out in Jesus Christ.
They laughed and scorn at Noah for building the Ark,
and many people of faith who scorn those who believe on Jesus, as the
Way, the Truth, and the Life to God.
The failure of the movie Noah is the failure of
Christians too, of failing to choose between Good and Evil, between God
and Satan. We make homosexuality as the greatest sin, making us
hypocrites and persecutor of the innocent when there is so much
injustice, pain and inhumanity in our midsts.
We dare not come against the evil within mankind, and
the demonic principalities, and the dire consequences of the harm done.
For more than a hundred years, Noah warned the
community he lived in of the flood, and for repentance. Yet, they never
believed in His message. The message of Christians in the last days is
also undermined when we could not distinguish between Good and Evil,
until our condemnation of Gays become our focal point instead of
proclaiming a new Ark to go through the storm.
Jesus is our Ark, for today and tommorow. Will we
enter in? or choose to stay outside.