Proposition 8 & Evil Principalities - Because He lives, We can face the future



(Rev 19:20 NKJV) Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.

California Proposition 8 : ban on Gay Marriage
Yes: 52%
No: 48%

California Proposition 4: Abortion Limits:
No: 52%
Yes: 48%

The Catholics, the Mormons, and the Christian Right joined forces in an unholy alliance to push for the ban on gay marriages. It was a great master plan of deception.

(1 Cor 3:11 NKJV) For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.(1 Cor 3:12 NKJV) Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,

a) The Gospel message by Christians will forever be compromised by the false witness against the Gay community. The forces of darkness have deceived Christians into preparing their own downfall of their primary message of hope and grace through Jesus Christ. You should be persecuted for righteousness sake, but not for unrighteousness sake. They have used the self righteousness of the Christian Leaders to do their own bidding just as they did to convince the Pharisees that Jesus must die. We have laid our foundation of wood and hay.

Our entire Faith may be impacted. The first crusade deeply affected Christianity, in that, to fund for it, we have to tell a lie, that if you donate large sums of money, or sacrifice yourself for the crusade, you can get a guaranteed place to heaven. Since the Pope, is Peter on Earth with the keys to heaven and hell, surely he has the right to say who gets there.

Who would believe our message after what we said about gays!. We have lost much of our credibility.

b) The Pro-life lobby will forever be sidelined by the Gay debate issue. It is like throwing babies to the god Molech and because we blame Gays for it, the real cause and solutions will not be addressed. How can we say, marriage breakdown is caused by divorce and promiscuity resulting in abortion when we blamed it on Gays!. We have laid our foundation of precious stones that we adore ourselves in beauty and pleasure without taking responsibilities.

c) We are aligned with the Mormons and Catholics! All for the sake of going against 5% of the population who had not come against us. We are willing to accept their “false Gospel” based on Joseph Smith, and Works for Salvation, and the precious gold and silver of Rome rather than Jesus Christ as the way the truth and the Life. The Global South even called the acceptance of Gay marriage as the “Gospel of Homosexuality”. We have laid our foundation of Gold and Silver, of wealth and power that the forces of this world offer us in exchange of bowing them to them. The Catholics have long succumbed, followed recently by the Mormons, and the Christian Right is now one foot in it.

At the turn of the 21 st century, reflecting on how Jesus taught us to Prayer, the Christian Church has been so tempted in the last 1700 years, and has fallen and is falling apart. Evangelical Christians are only 300 to 500 million people, in the midst of a 6 billion population. Catholics are more than 1.1 billion. It is the Mormons that filled our streets with missionaries, and not Christians.

(Mat 6:13 NKJV) And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Deliver us, Lord Jesus, from the Evil one, because this is Your Church, Your kingdom here on earth to demonstrate your power and glory on earth for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ.

We do not really know why the dark forces of this world hate gays so much to go to such an extent to persecute gays!. Hitler targeted 6 million Jews and more than 150,000 gays died. The Jews we could understand why, because they were the ones who brought Jesus, the seed of God into this world, and whom God used to reveal His Son. But why the hatred for Gays.

Perhaps the Principalities of this world see the Gay community much differently. The Gay flag is the rainbow colored flag – the colour of grace, the raindow sign when the Noah’s Ark came out of the waters!. They are less than 10% of the population, a tithe to make the body whole again? Perhaps, at the end time, the Gay community will remind us of God’s message of Grace and Mercy through the nations that God will do something so great in this tribe forming the least and most discriminated of the people groups in this world, that others will see in it, with awe and wonder of His majesty and goodness.

The Jews, one of the smallest and insignificant tribe, God has used, to bring forth His Son, Jesus Christ. Now, in the End Times, perhaps God is using the smallest people groups, one which is distinct and yet exist in all the nations and tribes of the world, the most despised and discriminated, to show your forth His Grace and Mercy to the Nations of the Earth.

Despite all that the World and its principalities come against Gays, because Jesus lives, we can face tommorow, God will bring us through for He holds the future. It is not the end yet. We will fight one last and final fight and when we cross that river, we shall know that God was with Us all this time.


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