The Naked Self Righteous GOP Butts

(Mat 23:13 NKJV) "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.

Not too long ago, you would find Senator Arango, a good friend of former US President George Bush in his anti-gay campaigns. Roberto Arango's picture profile on the Apple Grindr software was quite simply an ass-hole.

The Senator has really shut up the kingdom of God against men requiring them to be straight and 100% holy before entering the church and be part of society. He put up an image of himself as an anti-gay crusader to gain votes but he himself could not go into the kingdom of God because just like the pharisees, he had disqualified himself.

The good Senator had even used the term "pato" or duckling, a derogatory term for gays to attack the sexuality of his opponents in his first senate election. He mocked at his opponents making quacking noises when inside he was the biggest duck of them all.

Sen. Arango represents the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico. He had voted in favor of Resolution 99 which would block any same sex marriage in the US territories. He had aslo helped to block bans against sexual discrimination and workplace, and adoption rights for Gays.

Sen Arango was the lead for the conservative christian groups which blocked the legislative commission exploring changes to the Civil Code to allow civil unions for gay couples.

From “La Católica contra unions de hecho /​The Catholic leadership against civil unions” (El Vocero, March 27, 2007):

"From his seat in the Senate chamber, Senator Roberto Arango of the New Progressive Party spoke about the recent mandates from the Catholic Church regarding the governing body and announced he would present thousands of signatures against changes to the book of law.

According to his statements, the signatures were given to him on Saturday during a rosary ceremony organized by the Catholic Church on the vicinity of the Capitol building. The signers want to put a stop to the proposed changes to the Civil Code that have received sustained opposition from the more conservative organizations. “We have received 150,000 petitions signed by people of all orientations in favor of maintaining the current Civil Code,” said Arango during yesterday’s senate session. “We will hand them over to the Secretary of the Senate so they take into consideration the massive support of the people.”

His defence was rather ingenuous. The butt hole display and losing weight just doesn't connect unless he was showing his tummy:-

You know I’ve been losing weight. As I shed that weight, I’ve been taking pictures. I don‘t remember taking this particular picture but I’m not gonna say I didn’t take it. I‘d tell you if I remembered taking the picture but I don’t.”

I guess we will find him counting rosaries in repentance at the Catholic Church.

I am not sure what is the best punishment for Senator Arrango who has literally destroyed the lives of so many people and denying them the right to have a long term partner and relationship supported by the state and the law.

Perhaps, the picture of the butt in the newspapers and on television is punishment enough. He who wanted fame and power even to the extent of persecuting his own gay tribe must find in himself the courage to ask for forgiveness to all he has done grave harm.

He must first start in his own journey of redemption by announcing in public that he is gay and begin the process to accept his own sexual orientation and be authentic to himself.





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