26 May 2011 - The case of Bishop EDDIE LONG of the Atlanta New Birth
Missionary Baptist Church alleged
sexual relationship with boys 17-20 years of age has been settled out of
This was a turn around. As late as 14 May 2011, the Christian Post
published "Eddie Long Case Not Settled, Expected to Head to Court". In
fact, following the news release of the claims in Sept 2010, Eddie had
said "I want this to be dealt in the court of justice and not by public
opinion. I will say that I am going to fight, fight very vigorously
against these charges."
However, subsequent release of damaging photographs and lewd details may
have given him reasons to avoid an open court battle.
The lawsuits have at last been settled privately thus silecing the
exposure of any damaging explicit sexual details. Under the settlement
term, the 4 men who sued the Pastor will not release details.
However, the "Black Media Scoop" has published the following alleged
insider information:-
- they were offered 4 million, but held out for a public apology
- Finally settled for 15 million, with a private apology. (Insurance to
cover 13 million, church to cover 2 million), or 3.6 million each.
The lawyers were the ultimate winners. At fees of 50%, they would have
received 7.5 million!.
Whilst there should be some compensation because it was an abuse of
power, the settlement seems high especially when the boys were above 17
at the time of the incidents and therefore were "consenting" adults. The
Georgia age of consent is 16. The plaintiffs may have been more
opportunistic to make use of Eddie Long rather than real victims.
The settlement value (if correct!) is also much higher than child
sexual abuse cases. In the case of Catholic Los Angeles settlement, each
victim received 780K (660 million settlement involving 580 victims),
before fees of 40%. Each of the young men now allegedly gets 3.6 million
or 5 times higher.
"We're very excited, very elated about what's taken place. To God
be the glory," said Elder Dandridge of the New Birth Church.
Art Franklin, the spokesman for Long said that
"This decision was made to bring closure to this matter and to allow us
to move forward with the plans God has for this ministry,"
the resolution "the most reasonable road
for everyone to travel.”
OIfficially, Eddie Long has maintained his innocense claiming that "The
Plantiff's claims to sexual misconduct are not true."
For the 25,000 member church, if the church was to cover 2 million,
would be less than $100 each per person which is a small sum. They have
reason to give thanks to God for an issue in open court would have
destroyed the church.
God would have received the glory if Eddie long had:-
a) Aplogized in public
b) Quit the church leadership
c) Announced he was gay
The settlement sum would then be much lower, and the issue of denial in
the American Black churches against GLBT be addressed. The issue is now
back in the closet waiting for another incident to occur.
The young men had used Eddie Long's gay orientation to get gifts and
financial support from him, and they should not gotten a penny from the
church. That said, a heavy price has been paid by Bishop Long and the
church for hiding in the closet. Surely, we can't hide forever.