Angry Queers?


A group called "Angry Queers" smashed some windows of the famous anti-gay church, the Mars Hill Church in Portland headed by Mars Driscoll on Apr 24, 2012. The Rev Jim Wallis of Sojoourners claimed that "''Angry Queers' taking on Driscoll, Mars Hill the Wrong Way" that whilst the churches' anti-gay rethoric against GLBT is wrong, it is wrong for the GLBT community to respond in a "hate crime".

The Rev Jim Wallis had a strew of emotions when he read of the incident and wrote that "It also compromises the entire face of the pro-LGBT movement", and that "..such a response actually serves an opposite purpose from what I believe was intended. ". And on the face of it, Jim is probably right. Violence is never the answer.

Yet, we smile when some is standing up to the overwhelming power and predominance of the church to say whatever they like and to cause harm with seemingly no consequences over the many decades. Perhaps the times and seasons are changing. There is a far deeper spiritual and moral reality that is emerging beyond the incident.

A few broken windows, violent as it may be, is a far cry from the grave harm done to the GLBT community, of hundred of thousands lives in pain and suffering, hidden in closets, abused at schools and work, with their basic rights and dignity taken from them. In many countries, due to the people of faith (in particular Christians), homosexuality is banned, punishable like in Singapore, a two year sentence (though not enforced).  Many thousands of gays have died taking their own lives as a response because the rejection and harm was too great to bear.

Therefore, we have on one side, the Christian church ("the dominant majority") that was supposed to represent Jesus, to be the light and salt of the world, to be a source of blessing yet causing grave harm and deaths of many, versus a group called "Angry Queers" ("the insignificant minority"), a non Christian group who you would least expect to respond to "Mars Hill Church" by loving their enemies. They are not Christians!, they must have been harmed very badly to retaliate - not in kind mind you, not "an eye for an eye" as called for by the religious laws in many people of faith. They didn't killed anyone, a few broken glasses would be a very mild response compartively if they have suffered grave harm.

Instead of a strew of emotions that Jim had, I actually smiled when I read of the "Angry Queers". Who were they to represent the GLBT community? but yet imagining the response of the churches who would now jump to declare their moral high ground over a few pieces of broken glasses.     They didn't break the door, they broke the glass windows, for the church has closed their doors, sent out agents of harm and now we see the small signs of harm coming back to the church certainly not anywhere near the harm they had caused. To call it a "hate crime" as Sojourners did over broken glasses deserves laughter. The broken glasses can easily be repaired but not the lives harmed nor the many deaths.

Who were the "angry Queers"? Were they Gay men, were they Lesbians? Are they the "militant activists" regularly potrayed by the church! No, they were not. From their write-up of themselves and their motives for the "crime", they were not likely to be gay or lesbians but most possibly themselves at the edge of GLBT. They were likely to be Transgenders of color, for the words used by them is reflective:-

  •   they had done their crime in memory of the deaths of who they termed as a "fierce queer/trans femme of color and artist from Chicago".

  • they were against the Gay/Lesbian community who had called for peaceful dialogue - "You are disgusting traitors who prioritize social peace and the bourgeois aspirations of rich white cis gay people over the more pressing survival needs of more marginalized queers."

They wanted to get "even", but violence is never the way even when there is grave injustice and inequality. But what can they do? for the structures of power and privilage is seen here at its widest, at one end, white middle class church goers, and at the other transgenders of colour who had suffered the most.

 There is also a deep spiritual dimension. Just as the blood of "Abel" called out to God, the blood of those who suffered so violently called out to them for justice. When the glass fell at the church, even though such a minor damage, represents a turning point. And the turning point is that the spiritual realm for protection of the church is lost, for the blood has flooded it. It is the blood of those who died.

Heb 12:24 "... to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel."

And therefore, there is a need to preach the Gospel message to the GLBT Community, and its not only about love, not only about a kindom message or a fight for equality against the predominant power structures, but of Jesus who offers a grace so much better than the call for revenge in the blood of Abel. The religious people of faith has their religious laws based on the OT bible verses and they will reap what they sow. Yet, our Christian walk is about God's grace, mercy and love in Jesus Christ.

We are hurting, and hurting badly for the harm caused is great and perhaps never understood by the likes of Jim Wallis, a Christian heterosexual man. Yet, where there is grave sin of injustice, there is a greater measure of grace - the grace to forgive, the grace to love in return, to be found in Jesus Christ. When we do this, we will have much greater success of getting redemption and justice rather than causing harm ourselves in our response.

 When we lost everything, yet give grace, surely Christ is in us, the Hope of Glory. It is easy to cause harm, to persecute the weakest in the name of religion, but it is much harder to love as Jesus did. We put Him at the Cross of Calvary yet He loved us. Let us love and proclaim Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

May "Angry Queers" find peace in Jesus Christ, and turn their anger into love and forgiveness.    May it be well with their soul and may they have peace in this life and the life to come.









Anti-gay mega-church smashed in memory of Mark Aguhar and Paige Clay

fuck a church, up the queers
Early in the morning of April 24th a group of angry queers smashed out the windows of Mars Hill Church in Southeast Portland. Mars Hill is notoriously anti-gay and anti-woman. Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill's head pastor, has said that women need to be subservient to their husbands and that gay people are a cancer. His personal brand of Christianity crusades against the "feminization" of Jesus - we angry queers are not fans of Jesus, but we have a problem with anyone who has a problem with femmes. 

This action was taken in memory of Mark Aguhar, a fierce queer/trans femme of color and artist from Chicago who killed herself a little over a month ago. We also hold in our hearts Paige Clay, a trans woman of color who was found murdered in Chicago on April 16th; Duanna Johnson, a black trans woman who was in all likelihood murdered by the police in 2008; Agnes Torres Sulca, Deoni Jones, and all other trans women who have been murdered by this cissexist, femmephobic, racist, and transmisogynistic society. 

Churches are a major contributor to the culture that deems trans women of color to be disposable, as not worth keeping alive. Children who are forced to attend Mars Hill are indoctrinated in hateful dogma that teaches them their natural desires are an abomination that will damn them to hell. Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" campaign does nothing in the here and now for queer kids trapped in abusive home or religious settings. And it never got better for Mark, Duanna, Paige, Agnes, Deoni, or the countless other trans women (especially brown trans women) who are regularly murdered. 

When Mars Hill moved to town, so-called "representatives" of the queer "community" from the Q Center met with officials from the church in order to have dialog. What we have to say to the Q Center is this: FUCK YOU, you don't represent us. You are disgusting traitors who prioritize social peace and the bourgeois aspirations of rich white cis gay people over the more pressing survival needs of more marginalized queers. Fuck dialog with people who want us dead, the only dialog we need with scum like Mars Hill is hammers through their windows. 

We smashed Mars Hill because they make our lives miserable. We hope this small act of vengeance will strike some fear into the hearts of all of Mars Hill's pastors, and warm the hearts of our friends and comrades (known or unknown). It may not get better, but we can certainly get even.






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