CHC trial - enter the darkness



Mat 23:27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.

As the trial of Pastor Kong Hee and the CHC leadership goes into the 3th to the 6th day, the evidence presented showing the usage of related companies to route funds to support Sun Ho's Hollywood dream becomes clearer.

The weekend was a show of pride by Pastor Kong reaffirming that he was not in any fear but experienced a certain sense of peace during the court proceedings, and paraded the support he received from the leading mega church pastors around the world. Even Pastor Phil Pringle from Australia triumphantly declared that Pastor Kong will be still with them on this very day next year for their "presence conference". This is faith.

The City Harvest own news crew was trying their best to spin the trial events as being favorable to CHC. Perhaps, a miracle is expected.

As the CHC court case proceeded this week, the defence argument was repetitive that the auditor OK'ed the accounts and therefore it must be all above board. Indeed on the surface, all appears proper just like tombs.

A whitewashed tomb is one where maintenance is kept of the tomb to make it look proper and washed even for the auditors to check. It was out of bounds for the auditor to open the tomb! They "cannot see" due to the Non disclosure agreements on the tomb.

Hence, one may be technically correct and gives the impression that the white washed tombs are clean but no one would mention the skeleton within.

Even in such a preliminary stage of the trial, it is looking difficult for CHC leaders to prove their innocence. In FCBC/Love Singapore facebook entry, at least Pastor Khong of FCBC was able to acknowledge that "It won't look good on CHC".

 However, no one is making assumptions or baseless assumptions as Pastor Khong of FCBC/Love Singapore had implied, for the light of truth is shining on the covered darkness. The email correspondences and financial transactions are laid out for the obvious conclusion.

Pastor Khong of FCBC/Love Singapore was so keen to uphold the principal of "innocent until proven guilty", when he was rather unkind to the gay community insisting to the highest level of the government on jail sentences for gays. The strong and powerful always seem to be innocent, whilst the weak has no defence to speak of.

As we enter into the darkness covered up by CHC link companies, such as XTRON, AMAC, and others, it is hard to imagine the scale but the reason is becoming clearer that many millions were needed to enter into the closed Hollywood market.

Some interesting emails showing the audacity of the scheme are as follows:-

  • $6 million was paid to producer Justin Herz through Xtron Productions to promote Sun Ho in 2009. it was listed under "additional JH needs", in an email attachment from CHC leaders.

  • "All these costs are to be borne by Xtron or whatever company. We are just instruments to make things happen." said Mr Hanafi of Firna in email to CHC leaders.

  •  "It is just an arbitary figure. No one has worked out any details I believe" email by former CHC finance manager on 7 mil paid to Xtron for advanced rental when queried.

  •  "I have to leave it sit (for a) few days then instruct them as bank already asked what's (the) money for",[Hanafi - UA/Firna] on 5.8 milion transffered from AMAC to UA

  •  "Can you tt out by Thurs? Just tell them it's funds for a short term loan to Firna? that is a valid transaction" Chew of CHC

  • "We will be depositing S$5.6 mil into UA by 19 Oct. However, we will need S$5,228,750 back into CHC's account from Firna by 13 Oct in order to the 2nd round to be possible. Therefore, we NEED to keep to the timeline" Tan of CHC in email

  • "6 Oct: UA received S$5.8mil, 6 Oct : UA to trf out S$5.8 mil to Firna, 9 Oct: Firna to redeem S$5mil bonds with interest payment. Total is S$5,228,750, 19 Oct: UA will receive S$5.6mil, 19 Oct: UA to trf out S$5.6 mil to Firna, 22 Oct: Firna to redeem S$6mil bonds with interest payment. Total is S$6,134,625" Tan of CHC in email

Why the need for so much funds? The Shin Min Daily News reported that S14,372,654 was lost in an album production by Sun Ho which was settled by Mr Hanafi of Firna/UA in a payment to Xtron!

I have always heard Pastor Kong proclaiming integrity of the CHC accounts as they were audited! As we enter the darkness in our star trek into unknown realms of space and time, was it all worth it.

As we enter the darkness, may grace we receive. At the end, we may left only with faith, faith that will sustain us through trials and pain when our integrity is slowly undermined. But God is so good to us, slow to anger and is merciful even when we do sin. We come into the sweet sense of grace in the Lord Jesus Christ.



Lawrence Khong FCBC

Dear Fellow Pastors,

 I am writing to you because I love the Body. When one part of the Body hurts, every part hurts. City Harvest Church is back in the news, and I hurt with them. In 2010, when news first broke regarding CAD's investigations of City Harvest, I had made a special prayer call on their behalf. In June 2012, when charges were brought against Pastor Kong Hee and his leaders, I wrote a letter to Pastors, sharing my heart. Today, I do so again: ...

1. In this first phase of the trial, the prosecution will make their case. It won't look good for City Harvest. Nevertheless, we must not prejudge or make baseless assumptions. We respect due process, uphold the principle of innocent until proven guilty, and trust that God's justice will prevail.

2. We must stay united in love and stand stronger in prayer together for Pastor Kong Hee and the church. This is a time of severe testing for the entire Body of Christ. We can't escape the fact that we are all on trial before a righteous God. Because we love God's Family, let us pray with heart like never before. Let us use the pulpit as a platform of public persuasion to teach our church members to be sober-minded and talk more with God and less with others, especially on social media.

3. If asked by the media for comments, please be objective, entrusting the matter first and foremost to our Sovereign Lord. In fact, the less said the better.

4. We should not exploit the occasion to speak ill of independent charismatic churches or magnify differences.

 5. We must appreciate City Harvest Church for all the good they've done. Their impact on the younger generation has been phenomenal. They have an outstanding community service which effectively ministers to a broad range of needy people, including intellectually-disabled children, troubled youth, dysfunctional families, elderly poor, hearing impaired, terminally ill, ex-offenders, and so on. Let us speak well of City Harvest Church and believe that by God's grace, they will emerge stronger from this current trial to positively influence this nation and the nations for Jesus.

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." 1 Corinthians 13:7-8


Lawrence Khong Chairman, LoveSingapore 






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