In 1980, more than 30 years ago, a relative took me
to the True Jesus Church in Pudu, Malaysia. I came out of the service,
affixed with the question - Who is God? Is Jesus real? and what does He
wants from me. As a kid less than 10 years of age, I was asking
questions of eternity. God has been talking to me since that day, no
longer a mystery but a friend. Later, I had no major issue understanding
that homosexuality was not a sin, because I knew the God of the bible,
and not only the bible alone. I need not abandon the bible or stripped
it apart, for it was Holy Spirit who explained to me the context as I
dwelt in the presence of God.
We often proclaim that God is a mystery, and that
no one has seen God and come back from dead to give a detailed
debriefing. The gods of this world have indeed been a mystery, the
various deities that mankind have worshipped throughout history. The
gods are quite far away from the people in terms of relationships, and
are negatively inclined demanding that we offer certain sacrifices
before they act on our behalf, or require appeasement of some sort.
There was no particular relationship/communion or closeness with the
deities. That makes the God of the bible so unique, and Israel a show
room for God, and the bible united by a tread of a story of redemption
of God coming out of the closet to show Himself in Christ Jesus, his
character and to establish a relationship with us.
God and
(Psa 19:1 NASB)
(For the choir director. A Psalm of David.) The heavens are
telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of
His hands.
(Psa 19:2 NASB)
Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals
(Psa 19:3 NASB)
There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not
The writers of the book of Genesis, did not
question the existence of God. For them, the existence of God is self
evident ie “God exist”. Is this God a mystery? Is the nature and
attributes of God knowable and if so what does God wants?
God is not so much a mystery because God chose to
make Himself known in creation in Psa 19. In Rom 1:19,20, God wants to
be known and has qualities of eternal power. God was in action, His
power can be clearly seen. God’s divine nature, everything in creation
is a “sermon” declaring who God is.
The context of Romans 1:19,20 was a reference to
Israel’s tendency even under the Law to worship other gods, many whom
are represented by idols. Whilst the idols are created by
our own hands and became dwellings for demonic beings to
take the honor of our worship, the God of creation is the “creator” and
we are the “created”. Paul was asserting that Christ was the fulfillment
of God’s revelation to mankind starting from the beginning of time in
nature. God is the creator, and we and the idols and deities we worship
are the created.
God and
(Gen 1:1 NASB)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The first act of God in Genesis was to “create”.
The word here is “bara”, creating something out of nothing. This one
focused ignition was scientifically unexplainable. The word “bara” was
used in another 3 occasions, the creation of creatures from the
inanimate to the living, and finally, the creation of humanity taking it
to the highest level.
We are created beings made in God’s image – having
our identity in God, We are a representation and a reflection of God in
the sense of having a creative capacity, and have a spirit within us. We
are spiritual beings with a self awareness – able to care for others, to
love, to organize, plan for a future, imagine a destiny, experience
presence of God, and have a moral conscience. We have the freedom to
choose – either for good or for harm.
We do not just “exists” but we “live”. There was a
connection of the Spirit of God to our Spirit, which links us to God,
and where His power flows through us. when we walk by the Spirit of God.
Satan and
(Isa 14:12 NIV)
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
(Isa 14:13 NIV)
You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my
throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of
assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
(Isa 14:14 NIV)
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself
like the Most High."
God was no mystery. He chose to be in relationship
and intimacy with humanity at the Garden of Eden. However, Satan, a
created being, who was a fallen angel who chose to rebel against God,
planned to stand in the way and to take the worship for himself. In
Isa 14:12-14, Satan was described as a created being who wanted to be
God Himself. Satan’s agenda was to make us switch allegiance. He put
doubt about God’s word, contradict and add to the Word of God, and
tempts humanity with the notion that they can become gods and that
somehow God was in the way. When humanity put faith in Satan by the act
of eating the apple, in an instance of time, we came under his domain
and bore the fruits of sin.
In a general sense, Sin means getting “off course”.
God has a direction and purpose for all of us. We have deviated off
course and gone into that course that Satan had planned. Whilst we
remain on this road to perdition, the fruit of sin continues to come out in our lives and
in our choices. Throughout the rest of the bible, we see sin escalating
and continued to take humanity off course.
(Gen 6:3 NKJV)
And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty
In Gen 6:3, the Spirit of God was taken out from
humankind, the umbilical cord with the Spirit of man, was disconnected.
There after the Spirit of God acts on humanity and not in Humanity. The
Holy Spirit comes upon humanity, leaves them. God still saves humanity
from the flood but no longer the Spirit of God was in them.
The people missed the Spirit of God, and worshipped
other gods and even man made gods. God became a mystery. In Gen 11, they
built the tower of Babel because they missed the connection to the
spiritual world. At the top of tower, it was said that there were beds
where the angels could come down and have sex with the gods!
It was not about relationship with God, but they wanted the power
and be like gods. Perhaps there was a gateway to the heavens just like
the angels guarded the entrance to Eden.
Christ the
(John 1:1 NKJV)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God.
(John 1:2 NKJV)
He was in the beginning with God.
(John 1:3 NKJV)
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was
made that was made.
(John 1:14 NKJV)
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace
and truth.
God didn’t give up on us, His mercy and grace was
everlasting, pleading with humanity to come back. The mystery no longer
became a mystery, with God revealed in the incarnation of Jesus Christ
where God Himself steps down into human history and time.
When John
declared in John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word ….”, he was
associating Jesus Christ with the God of Genesis. God uses the spoken
Word to bring about creation. The creative power in the Word of God
becomes the representation of God. Likewise, in Jesus Christ, the Word
of God has spoken, the voice of God heard, and God was represented fully
in Jesus Christ with the Word made flesh in John 1:14.
(John 20:22 NKJV) And when He had said this, He
breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
Thus the cycle of creation of mankind in Gen 1
through the Word of God, becomes repeated in the “new creation” of
mankind through the resurrected Word of God through God’s plan of
redemption to bring humanity back to Himself. God sacrificed Himself to
bring back humanity into right relationship with Himself.In John 20:22
when Jesus said to the disciples "breathed on them to receive the Holy
Spirit", we are reminded of creation when the Spirit of God was breathed into
Knowing God, knowing self
It was in my journey with the Holy Spirit that one day He lovingly
reminded me that I was Gay and God knows that deep inside my heart I
knew it thus. For first two decades of my Christian walk, it was about
knowing and loving God whole heartedly. For the next decade, it was
about knowing myself and how God created me wonderfully and beautifully
as a gay person. I couldn't really knew the depths of God's heart - His
love, mercy and Grace, until I could love and accept myself.
I am not rich, have not much pocessions. Yet, what I have is the
Spiritiual blessings, knowledge, understanding of God's Word and
communion with the Holy Spirit of God that few can take away. I have
nothing much in this life, yet in my nothingness, have the Spirit of God indwelling