(Mat 7:13 NKJV) "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and
broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in
by it.
The issue with the Episcopal Church in USA under
Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori was not about their support of
the basic rights of Gays, but because of the departure from the
centrality of Christ in all things. The Christian Right has sidetracked
the issue by using gays as a scapegoat to come against the Episcopal
church because they too don't really believe in the grace of God unto
salvation in Christ alone. Otherwise, they would not have used the
Jewish law of good works based on a pagan religious context to come
against the gay community.
The Christian Right knew that challenging the
Episcopal church on the question of the pluralistic and universalist
views of God would not succeed, as few would believe that Christ is indeed the
only way to God. Surely, it is enough to say "people of faith" as
Sojourners often proclaim and not the nature of faith!. The GLBT issue is a red herring for the
Christian Right to come after the liberals, for they had to resort to a
strict blibical intepretation based on the law outside the original
pagan religious context, denying the message of grace for which Christ
came to proclaim. The anti-gay movement now over flooding the church,
floods us with the law and negates the grace of God in Christ in the
workings of the Holy Spirit in the church.
All peoples have access to God whatever background they are from,
even Church goers. Otherwise, they would not be able to know Jesus
Christ and His saving grace. Jesus Christ died for the whole world that
His gift of life may be available to all to accept or reject, yet His
very own, the Jewish people reject His gift of eternal life and
crucified Him. Yet, His grace abounds for the Jews to return to Him.
Some Christians try to take Christ out of the bible, but He remains a
stumbling block (1 Cor 1:23). If the Jews can enter the Kingdom through the works of
the Law without the the grace of God in Christ, why do we need Jesus.
The power of the Cross transends time. The Old
Testament Patriach, Abraham, look forward to the coming of the Messiah
(Gal 3:8),
and that was accounted to him as righteousness. The priestly religious
sacrifices of the Jews, even though an imagery of Christ death and
resurrection, gave them atonement for the year, but not permanent
reconciliation with God. Jesus is our everlasting priests (Heb 7:24). The Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant,
resides the mercy seat covering and concealing the judgement of the law
(Ex 25:21,22). The mercy seat
represents Christ who was and is to come (Heb 9:1-15).
Some Christians have confused access to God, as
Salvation. When Jesus Christ came to earth, he was accessible both the
devils on earth - the evil religious men, the cruel Romans Rulers, and
the the
rich and the poor (Mat 20:16). They all had access to Jesus, yet few enter the
narrow gate to be with Jesus in heaven. They all heard about Jesus, some
even believed He is a good man and a good teacher (Mat 19:16), and many wanted to
follow Jesus to live a simple life. If Jesus was just a good teacher, He
need not have come, for the Law for perfection was already there as
Jesus pointed out to the youth (Mat 19:17-24). At the end, very few believed and
stayed with Jesus until the very end, nor accepted Him as the risen
Lord. It was a Gay man, John, who saw through it all, for he loved
The amazing thing about the grace of God, is that
God is approachable even though when we are still a sinner. We may be
the most holiest of saints, and more holy than the Saints of
old, but the wretchet sinner hanging beside Jesus may still enter heaven
before us. Jesus Christ came not to condemn us, to say who is going to
hell, He came that we might know God and to decide to belong to Him.
There was no point in condeming because we have all gone astray before
God and without applying the blood of Christ into our lives, our own
righteousness before the law is not sufficient to justify us.(Mat
It is not God who decides who enters heavens with a
big book of life that St Peter holds, the choice belong to us just as
the choice to eat the forbidden fruit belonged to Adam and Eve, so is
the choice to eat the fruit of eternal life in Christ belongs to us to
be justified before God (Acts 13:38, 39). No
one will force us to become Christians or accept Christ. It is a
freewill, not by compulsion under religious laws or by beloging to a
denomination. The grace of God is freely given and freely received. The
door is opened, the way is prepared, God has prepared the way through
Christ. Our role is to enter in to the rest of God's grace.
There is no predestination of who will enter
heaven, nor for Christians to be "good" christians to enter heaven. We
may even worship in a church and believe in Jesus. But who do you say
Jesus is? (Mark 8:29) the Son of Mary whom we will get access to by praying through
Mary or the Pope? or the Lamb of God slained for our sin.
Jesus Christ is not an idea created by men,
or a metaphor for God's love. To the law based religious zealots, His
heart of grace was too much for them. For those, who longed for a game
changing Messiah against the Romans, the struggle for the poor masses
against the construction of the rich and the powerful, Jesus ain't no
champion. Sure He fed thousands and healed the sick, but He never
organised any grass root movement against injustice.
Jesus knew that His role was not to build a kingdom
on earth (John 18:36), nor even a church in every corner where people can access to
God. His kingdom was in the hearts of men and women, unseen yet real
where Jesus is Lord and Saviour, the centrality of life itself that
passes from this wretchet world to the eternal life to come. Jesus
Christ hasn't really left because the Holy Spirit remains to continue to
proclaim Christ the risen Lord and Saviour. If we really seek God, we
will find Him. The true sheep knows the voice of God (John
10:27,28), whilst for some Christians it is an intellectual idea or a
series of laws to be followed or a religious system.
Perhaps not many are really sure that Christ is the
only way. If they did, they would not have worshiped the bible, their
intellect, the
saints, the religious sacraments, nor used the letter of the Jewish
religious law against the GLBT community. The lies spinned against the
GLBT community by many Christian groups perhaps proclaim so clearly to
the whole world that works and self righteousness are the doorway to
heaven. We often preach Grace + Law, the new wine of God's grace kept
under the law until the grace of God breaks the Old wine skin (Mat 9:17) and grace
is released to the GLBT community .
When we take Christ out, we are left with man made religious
laws, judgement without grace nor mercy, a prosperity theology, humanistic faith beliefs, a notion of love
without righteousness, a deep void and darkness without the Holy Spirit
moving mightly with His presence. We left with a dead church, based on a
religious structure and possibly with a billion followers but a darkness
within, a wide chasm betwen men and God.
If indeed the Cross of Jesus Christ is the only way
to eternal life with God in heaven, it is not something to be boast
about, for the Cross is a symbol of death, an emptiness of self, a
sacrifice of our lives that others may be blessed. It is a place of
utter humility, totally naked before God and man (Phil 2:8). It will be a humbling
experience, an opposite spirit to the religious self righteousness seen
in the churches today that desire to dominate the world, or use religion
as somehow a way for prosperity or political gains or to persecute the
gay community. Following after Christ is not an outward path of taking
up arms, nor a political action, nor a path of a Gandhi like peaceful
demonstration. It is an inward reflection of ones wretched soul and
total dependence of God's gift of grace and mercy in Christ Jesus.
It is hard to see God, for Jesus and the Holy
Spirit whom He has left for our communion is a stumbling block to our
intellect, our religous systems and laws, our self righteousness which
all have become "ways" to God. Yet, the Jews can't even recognize God
standing right in front of them for they were so full of themselves just
like so many of us are so full of our heterosexuality and patriachal
view of Christianity. Will we follow Christ and loose
ourselves in this journey that God's love, grace and mercy will be
displayed through us!