1 Cor 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the
Gospel, not with the wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be
made of no effect
1 Cor 1:18 For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
I have seldom been to a
GLBT church that preached the Gospel which is surprising since people
need the Lord. We need the power of the Cross and not religion for our
sufferings and woundings are great.
The Gospel is a foolish
message because it contradicts human nature and demands a miracle. Like
Paul, the church is called to preach the Gospel and not only to build
inclusive church by baptising people.
Inclusive churches we
called “faith communities” instead of a Christian Community. Has Christ
become a word of indignation? Because of the condemnation we had
In religion, there is
an outward religiosity that demands for religious laws and gays the
sacrificial lamb. We fear the strong anecdotal evidence that they were
born as such contradicts the bible integrity.
There is no glory in
becoming moral defenders of Singapore (eg Love Singapore), but only
glory in what Christ has done, His righteousness in us. Instead of
preaching the Good News, we find glory in condemning gays as vile
sinners (and we the righteous ones), or to become prosperous in the
market place.
Why do we condemn
others since our righteousness is not by good works but in Christ. In
John 3:18, there is only one condemnation, that is unbelief in Jesus
Christ as Lord and Saviour.
We baptise people into
a faith community, to the following of a wise emergent leader but often
without much power. For the church is powerless without the power of the
Cross to save. The church can be made of no effect by our attempt to
explain away creation, the miraculous birth, death, and resurrection of
Jesus. In our post-modern wisdom, Heaven becomes earthbound.
We give glory to the
wise - theologians such as Marcus Borg, and Rob Bell. For the wise,
there is only heaven on earth, and no heaven above or hell beneath. We
hide behind by applauding these theologians who called the Blood of
Christ foolishness, questioning why Jesus have had to die, and denying
the resurrection of Jesus Christ as myths. We then call this progressive
and being thinking Christians.
Being wise with a
Bachelor of Divinity means little if we are perishing. For the message
of the Cross, the message of eternal redemption is foolishness to those
who are perishing, but power to save for those who believed.
For we think we are
wise, yet God have chosen the uneducated people who believed by faith in
the Good News. The “foolish” simply believed by faith, and this is
accounted for them as righteousness.
In 1 Cor 1:22, since
the beginning of time, faith communities did not manage to know God
through her religious wisdom. It is those who humbled themselves of
their intellect and religion, who humbled themselves of their pride who
would see God in Jesus Christ.
There are three types
of faith communities and Christians:-
· The Wise Christian
the Greeks, the thinking people of faith sought after the wisdom of the
world and for them the message of the Cross is foolishness. The
progressives called it a mystery and assigned it to the closet not to be
mentioned. The Cross was just too much a stumbling stone of a seemingly
masochistic God needing the blood sacrifice of His Son to be appeased!
The wise have forgotten their own sins in the pride of their worldly
· The Law Minded Christian
The Jews, the religious bible abiding people of faith so keen on
compliance to the letter of the law kept asking for a sign. In their
self-righteousness through religion, they could not see the miracles
performed by Jesus. Sure they worshipped “the same God”, but they didn’t
see God and indeed crucified the Messiah. We have many bible thumping
Christians who would put Jesus on the Cross again because they are Law
minded instead of seeing the grace of God.
The Foolish Christian –
Foolish by the world standards and even by religious standards. For
the foolish, his righteousness is in Christ. He is slow to condemn, but
quick to give grace and mercy.
He does not focus on being good – abstaining from sin, or doing good
works of love, for these comes naturally out of a heart changed by God’s
He believes by faith the story of creation, Jesus being God incarnate,
and Jesus Christ birth, death and resurrection for the redemption of
sins, and an eternity in heaven, Jesus being the Truth and the way to
The Cross appearing
weak with Christ being crucified rather than the picture of a conquering
Messiah is far more profound than the wisdom of religion.
God calls us to be
simple and weak who see that our righteousness is of Christ, and our
wisdom through the Holy Spirit of God. It is not our inward glory or
strength, nor the exaltation of our religious good works of love,
self-denial and abstaining from sin. For all glory goes to Jesus Christ.
Ie our glory is in the wisdom of God, righteousness, and sanctification
and redemption. (1 Cor 1:30)
What kind of a GLBT
churches do we want to be in? Do we do church with many wise and rich
people, or a church with the simple and foolish people where all glory
and honour goes to Jesus Christ.
Do we desire a Faith
Community that accepts us, or a Christ centred church where all glory
points to Jesus Christ? Whose acceptance is based on God’s redemption at
the Cross and where the Gospel is preached where Jesus is the Life, the
Way and the Truth.
Can't we have both? A
Church that is redemption focused, and yet a place of refuge for the
GLBT Community. We can't minister but Christ to a wounded people. They
don't need humanistic wisdom, human religion and universal spirituality.
They need Jesus and His resurrection power and presence of the Holy
For the foolish
Christian may after all be wiser and more holy than the Greeks and the
Jews amongst us. For at the end, our own wisdom and religion can never
redeem us. We need Jesus not only for eternal redemption, but to redeem
us on earth for our sufferings and woundings are great.
1 Cor 1: 29 that no
flesh should glory in His presence.
1 Cor 1:30 But of Him
you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and
righteousness and sanctification and redemption